Please follow the below steps to create a jruby library to connect to any oracle database on Mac OS x using Java ODBC drivers.
STEP 1: Create the Library folder and the Ruby file. eg Sample.rb
Step 2 : Add Gemfile to enable using jruby to connect to the database
Step 3 : add the following gems to the Gemfile
Step 4 : In the ruby file Sample.rb here please use the following lines and then write appropriate code to access the data.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
:adapter => 'jdbc',
:driver => 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
:url => 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port/sid',
:username => 'ors',
:password => 'ors'
self.table_name = :table_name_here
def self.all
connection.select_all <<-SQL
select * from table_name_here
Step 5 : Go to terminal , run
Step 6 : If there is a driver not found error please download the driver from oracle site here
and place it in /Library/Java/Extensions/ on your mac.
Have Fun !
STEP 1: Create the Library folder and the Ruby file. eg Sample.rb
Step 2 : Add Gemfile to enable using jruby to connect to the database
Step 3 : add the following gems to the Gemfile
gem 'activerecord'
gem "activerecord-jdbc-adapter"
Step 4 : In the ruby file Sample.rb here please use the following lines and then write appropriate code to access the data.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
:adapter => 'jdbc',
:driver => 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
:url => 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port/sid',
:username => 'ors',
:password => 'ors'
self.table_name = :table_name_here
def self.all
connection.select_all <<-SQL
select * from table_name_here
Step 5 : Go to terminal , run
bundle install
jruby Sample.rb
Step 6 : If there is a driver not found error please download the driver from oracle site here
and place it in /Library/Java/Extensions/ on your mac.
Have Fun !